By Bob Goemans
Site Supported in Part by:
Eco Tech Marine 


Haemulon sciurus

(Shaw, 1803)

Bluestriped Grunt

Not Reef Tank Suitable

Likely Fish-Only Tank Suitable

Range: Western Atlantic Ocean: South Carolina, Bermuda, Gulf of Mexico and south to Brazil.

Size: 18 inches (45 cm)

Natural Environment: Inhabits rocky and coral encrusted patch reefs, fringing reefs, bank reefs, sometimes in larger numbers, at depths between 6 - 70 feet (2 – 20 m) and feeds on small fishes, shrimp, crabs, worms, octopuses, snails, bivalves, sea cucumbers, isopods, urchins, and sea stars.

General Husbandry: Rarely ever seen in the trade, and due to its size, usually more a public aquarium species. Quite attractive, with a yellow body with numerous blue horizontal stripes, yellow anal and pelvic fins, with the tail black at the caudal peduncle and somewhat clear on the trailing portion.

Best maintained in very large fish-only aquariums with wide-open swimming areas with caves and overhangs to take shelter during the daytime. As to diet, will learn to take food during the daytime, and will consume a wide variety of frozen and fresh meaty foodstuffs (chopped squid, scallops, fish flesh, shrimp, clam, etc.), including any ornamental crustaceans in the aquarium, and should be fed several times daily.


    Order: Perciformes

    Suborder: Percoidei

    Family: Haemulidae

    Genus: Haemulon

FYI: Popular fish in public aquariums.

Because if size, somewhat unsuitable for the average home aquarium, yet great for the very large home fish-only aquarium.

Does best if maintained in small groups.

Experience Level: Intermediate

Temperament: Peaceful

Diet: Carnivore

Coral Safe: Yes

Invertebrate Safe: No

Fish Safe: With caution

Acclimation Time: 30 minutes+

Aquarium Environment: Fish-only aquarium

Tankmates: Peaceful or non-aggressive

Minimum Tank Size: 240 gallons

Temperature Range: 72 - 84°F (22 – 29°C)

Specific Gravity: 1.020 -1.026

pH: 8.0 - 8.5

 Haemulon sciurus (Bluestriped Grunt)
Photo © John Randall
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Boyd Enterprises