By Bob Goemans

I'm sorry to say, but it appears you tried to access a page that no longer exists in our library. Drat!
We hate it when that happens almost as much as you. Maybe you can find something else that will work instead?

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Eco Tech Marine 

Welcome to Saltcorner's Species Library!

Here, you can search for plants and animals that may be found in marine aquaria/may show up in retail stores.

As to finding the species you’re interested in, there has always been a Google search button located on the bottom right of every page that will find all site information relating to your entered keywords. Nevertheless, a recent request (2025) to place species ‘common names’ alongside their technical names to make finding certain species quicker/easier for aquarists that may not be familiar with those technical names, has been accomplished. Check it out!

I strongly recommend you research the needs of your marine fish, invertebrates, and plants/algae, before you purchase them. No one gains when animals and plants are kept, even briefly, in unsuitable conditions except unscrupulous sellers. Wherever possible, I encourage you to buy captive bred specimens, and purchase from reputable stores.

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