By Bob Goemans
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Dictyota bartayresii

J.V.Lamouroux 1809

Likely Reef Tank Suitable

Likely Fish-Only Tank Suitable

Range: Tropical and Sub-tropical Atlantic Ocean, and the Caribbean.

Natural Environment: Usually found at depths up to 160 feet forming small, e.g., 4 - 6 inch bush-like growths with its Y-shaped branches having a blue-green iridescence.

Aquarium Suitability: Rarely seen in the trade, however, when available can do well in aquariums if not damaged in shipping, as it then tends to fall apart and disintegrate. Look for healthy specimens; provide moderate light and gentle current. Additions of iodine will be helpful maintaining this species.

Potential Control Species: Fish: Naso brevirostris, and Naso lituratus

Urchins: Diadema setosum


    Kingdom: Chromista

    Class: Phaeophyceae

    Order: Dictyotales

    Family: Dictyotaceae

    Genus: Dictyota

FYI: Now technically listed as D. bartayresiana.

 Dictyota bartayresii ()
Photo © Vincent Hargreaves
Dictyota dichotoma
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