By Bob Goemans
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Ocean Nutrition 


Lobophora variegata

(J.V.Lamouroux) Womersley ex E.C.Oliveira, 1977

Brown Wafer Algae

Likely Reef Tank Suitable

Likely Fish-Only Tank Suitable

Range: Caribbean and Tropical and Sub-Tropical Atlantic and Pacific Ocean.

Natural Environment: Inhabits various nutrient rich areas, including backwater areas, reef flats, bays, boat channels and wall faces on deep drop-offs.

Aquarium Suitability: Its somewhat large yet thin fan-shaped overlapping blades are sometimes attached to coral imports from some fairly nutrient rich areas, and if so, this fleshy alga might be best removed, as it can disintegrate in well-maintained aquariums. Yet, quite nice looking while its in a healthy condition.

Potential Control Species: Snails: Astraea tectum


    Kingdom: Chromista

    Class: Phaeophyceae

    Order: Dictyotales

    Family: Dictyotaceae

    Genus: Lobophora

 Lobophora variegata (Brown Wafer Algae)
Photo © Vincent Hargreaves
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