By Bob Goemans
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Chaetodon aureofasciatus

Macleay, 1878

Goldenstriped Butterflyfish, Golden Butterflyfish, Goldenrod Butterflyfish, Sunburst Butterflyfish

Not Reef Tank Suitable

Not Suitable for Fish-Only Tank

Range: Western Pacific Ocean: Papua New Guinea to northern Australia and the Great Barrier Reef.

Size: 5 inches (12 cm)

Natural Environment: Inhabits inshore shallow coral reef and river mouth areas at depths between 15 to 50 feet (5 – 15 m) and feeds mainly on stony SPS corals.

General Husbandry: This somewhat attractive species has whitish cross-hatched body, yellow tail, anal, dorsal and pelvic fins, a black edged orange band through the eyes and just aft of the head, a narrow vertical orange band.

Because its diet mainly consists of live SPS coral polyps, its best this species not be collected for the aquarium trade.

FYI: Experience Level: Professional

Temperament: Peaceful

Diet: Corallivore

Coral Safe: No

Invertebrate Safe: No

Temperature Range: 72 - 82°F (22 – 28°C)

 Chaetodon aureofasciatus (Goldenstriped Butterflyfish, Golden Butterflyfish, Goldenrod Butterflyfish, Sunburst Butterflyfish)
Photo © Bob Fenner
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Fishy Bizness