Owners Name: Lynne Laurita
Location: Tarzana, California, USA
Year the tank was set up: 1995
Size and Volume of the Tank: 84"L x 24"H x 20"W - 180 Gallons
Sump Size: 20 Gallons
Pounds of Live Rock: 200 Pounds
Sand Type/Depth: Bare Bottom in main system
Type of Biological Filtration: Live rock with deep sand bed in refugium
Main system pumps: Dolphin 5600 circulation pump + Gorman Rupp 520
Additional pumps: A Danner Supreme Mag 24 (2400 GPH) runs the Protein Skimmer and Rio 90 for the feed line to the Calcium Reactor. A Rio Hyperflow 12 feeds water to the refugium.
Reactor: MKR Calcium Reactor using CaribSea ARM
Protein Skimmers: Aqua C EV-400
Monitoring Equipment: Milwaukee Instruments pH Controller
Wavemakers: none, however, there are 2 rotating spray bars mounted on the top of the aquarium to create a circular or non-linear water movement.
Dosers: none
Chiller: West Coast Aquatics Slimline 1.5 HP
Refugium: 50 gallon tank, 5 inches of CaribSea Aragamax sand (.5 to 1.0mm) and various macroalgaes.
Denitrator: None
Lamps: Three 250W 12K MH (Sunburst), four 6' URI VHO lamps, 160 Watts each
Photoperiod: 250W lamps on for 10 hours, and 160W lamps on for 11 hours - all lamps replaced every 12 months - lamps are 3 inches above water surface. Plexiglas covers are used above the openings in the aquarium to prevent bulb loss due to water splash.
Water Temperature: 76 - 79°F
Specific Gravity: 1.024 to 1.025
pH: 8.0 - 8.3
Calcium:440 - 450 ppm
Redox: Not tested
Alkalinity: 8 to 11 dKH
Nitrate: <1.0 ppm
Additives: None
Water Changes: 10% once per month RO
RO/DI water: RO - yes, DI - no
Brand of Salt Mix: Instant Ocean
Fish feeding occurs once daily with either Ocean Nutrition Formula I, Special Formula VHP or Angel Formula and Spectrum. The corals are fed a variety of foods including Golden Pearls, BioPlankton and SpectraVital once or twice weekly
Tank surfaces cleaned once weekly, floss pad in overflow box changed once weekly, protein skimmer cleaned once weekly, tank bottom siphoned once monthly, phosphate media changed once monthly. Water parameter testing is done once monthly for alkalinity and nitrates and only occasionally for calcium
FISH: Yellow Tang, Purple Tang, Royal Gramma Basslet, Lantern Basslet, Swalesi Basslet, 2 Tank-raised Ocellaris Percula Clowns, Fridmani Pseudochromis, McCullochi Pseudochromis, Twelve-line wrasse, Hawaiian Christmas Wrasse, 2 Green Chromis Damselfish, Masuda's Hogfish
CORALS/INVERTEBRATES: Various assorted Acoropora, 2 Purple Montipora Digitata, Cup Coral, Candy Cane Coral (Caulestrea Species), Hydonphora, Euphyllia Parancora, Pom Pom Xenia, Xenia Elongata, Red Sea Xenia, Starburst Polyps, Clove Polyps, assorted Mushroom Anemones, various Sarcophyton species, various Sinularia species, Colt Coral (Scleractinia species), various Zooanthids, 3 Tridacna Maxima Clams, 7 Lg. Cleaner Shrimp, 2 Banded Coral Shrimp, 1 Peppermint Shrimp, 6 Emerald Crabs, numerous Hermit Crabs, 50 Astrea Snails, 2 Serpent Starfish
A recent outbreak of hair algae after massive die off of various Sinularia species resulting from the use of KICK ICH. Also flatworms continue to be a problem but tend to be controllable