By Bob Goemans
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Red Bulb Alga

 Nemastoma gelatinosum (Red Finger Algae)

Nemastoma gelatinosum
M.A.Howe, 1918

Red Finger Algae

Likely Reef Tank Suitable

Likely Fish-Only Tank Suitable


This is an odd looking alga that forms bulbous, translucent branches/club-fingered growths and often a washed-out red/pinkish color, possibly orange with yellow hues. Its tips may be a contrasting color. Generally a hitchhiker on live rock and is one of the prettiest of red algae. They grow upright and usually form large masses. Trace element additions are advised if the goal is keeping this attractive species. Because its an oddity, it's mentioned separately from others in this section of the Algae Library.

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Two Little Fishies