By Bob Goemans
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Eurypegasus draconis

(Linnaeus, 1766)

Dragon Sea Moth, Short Dragonfish

Not Reef Tank Suitable

Not Suitable for Fish-Only Tank

Range: Indo-West Pacific Ocean: Red Sea and South Africa to Marquesan and Society Islands, north to Southern Japan, and south to Australia, and Lord Howe Island.

Size: 3 inches (8 cm)

Natural Environment: Inhabits silty bottom areas in lagoons, often seagrass beds on coastal reef slopes and is usually found at depths between 3 - 300 feet (1 - 90 m) where it feeds strictly on small bottom dwelling crustaceans.

General Husbandry: Has a mottled brownish body. Not purposely collected for the trade.


    Order: Gasterosteiformes

    Suborder: Syngnathoidei

    Family: Pegasidae

    Genus: Eurypegasus

FYI: Must have a steady diet of ‘live’ foods, i.e., fortified live brine shrimp, and/or copepods/amphipods and will ‘only’ feed off the bottom substrate, which should be wide-ranging/quite extensive in captivity. Must be fed five to ten times a day when in captivity.

An extremely poor shipper.

Shown here for identification only.

Unsuitable for the home aquarium.

Best left in the wild.

 Eurypegasus draconis (Dragon Sea Moth, Short Dragonfish)
Photo © John Randall
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San Francisco Bay Brand