By Bob Goemans
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Orphek Aquarium LED Lighting An "Enlightening" International Presence! (2023)

Authored by: Bob Goemans

Even though Orphek Aquarium LED Lighting is well known among hobbyists for its excellence in aquarium lighting, its commercial international presence is also widely established! And because of the resulting beauty from their high-quality products, entities from that of the world's only Seven-Star Hotel, the Burj Al Arab, (utilized to light their three very large aquariums) located in Dubai, UAE, and the massive super-sized public aquarium, The Blue Planet National Aquarium, in Copenhagen, Denmark are among the many worldwide commercial entities utilizing their products!

Burj Al Arab, Dubai, UAE

The Blue Planet - National Aquarium, Copenhagen, Denmark

In fact, the list of these far-reaching entities and also that of home hobbyists from around the world (mostly shown below) utilizing Orphek Aquarium LED Lighting is so extensive, that it's not feasible here in this article to show their full descriptions and many photos.

Therefore, please visit the below link at the bottom of this article, which will then open the Orphek 'Home Page.' Then go to their articles titled 'Public Aquarium & Venues,' and, 'Portfolio' to view the details and photos of these exceptionally beautiful and highly interesting locations!

Orphek - Commercial Projects

NausicaĆ” Public Aquarium, Boulogne-sur-Mer, France

Chengdu Public Aquarium, Chengdu, China

Burj Al Arab Aquariums (7 StarHotel), Dubai, UAE

The Lost Chambers Aquarium & The Ambassador Lagoon, Dubai, UAE, National Aquarium Abu

Aquarium Abu Dhabi (Abu Dhabi, UAE)

The Kuwait Scientific Center TSCK, Kuwait

Oman Aquarium od the Mall, Muscat, Oman

The Blue Planet - National Aquarium, Copenhagen, Denmark

Cairns Public Aquarium, Queensland, Australia

The Minderoo Foundation Exmouth Research Lab, Exmouth, Australia,

James Cook University Aquarium, Townsville, Australia

Whitsunday Airport Heart Reef Aquarium, Australia

XPLORE Entertainment Center, Athens, Greece

Palma Aquarium, Palma de Maiorca, Spain

Tynemouth Aquarium, Tynemouth, U.K.

The Ripley's Aquarium of Canada, Toronto, Canada

Georgia Aquarium, Atlanta, Georgia, USA

North Carolina Public Aquarium, North Carolina, USA

Loveland Living Planet Aquarium, Utah, USA

Albuquerque BioNational Aquarium, New Mexico, USA

Cameroon Park Zoo, Waco, Texas, USA

Atlantis Aquarium, Paradise Islands, Bahamas

AquaMundo of Sambil Mall, Dominican Republic

Kula Wild Adventure Park, Fiji

The Robotic Jellyfish Exhibit for Festo Robotics Project, USA

Coral Farm Project, Palma de Mariorca Public Aquarium, Island of Mallorca, Spain

Orphek - Hobbyist/Office Projects

Hobbyist, Malaysia

Hobbyist, 6000-gallon reef aquarium, Germany

Hobbyist, 5,895-gallon reef aquarium, Germany

Hobbyist, 260-gallon reef aquarium, Germany

Hobbyist, 2,074-gallon reef aquarium, Netherlands

Office - 1500-gallon reef aquarium, USA

Hobbyist, 300-gallon, USA

Hobbyist, 221-gallon reef aquarium, France

Hobbyist, 200-gallon reef aquarium, Israel

Hobbyist, 210-gallon reef aquarium, England

Hobbyist, 200-gallon mixed reef aquarium, USA

Hobbyist 200-gallon reef aquarium, Indonesia

Hobbyist, 196-gallon reef aquarium, France

Office - 120-gallon reef aquarium, USA

Hobbyist, 190-gallon reef aquarium, Germany

Hobbyist, 175-gallons reef aquarium, USA

Hobbyist, 75-gallons reef aquarium, France

Hobbyist, 57 gallons, 24-inch Cube reef aquarium, Germany

In closing, I'm quite sure after viewing all of the above, you'll agree that Orphek Aquarium LED Lighting provides leading edge technology development coupled with innovation, and customization of design that is not only well-suited for all commercial aquarium related entities, but also home aquariums! Click Here!

Enjoy, Bob

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