By Bob Goemans
Site Supported in Part by:
San Francisco Bay Brand 

Questions and Answers: Aquarium Advice

For 10 years, 2002 - 2012, questions pertaining to the health and welfare of marine aquariums were received from various hobbyists worldwide. However, with the coming of many other information sites/blogs coming about, my attention shifted from spending many hours daily answering mail to that of enlarging the Species Library, which now encompasses hundreds of different species in twenty-five different categories!

Because the 'usefulness' of those questions and answers still remains, this section of Salt Corner will remain available to those seeking information on various subject matters. And this can quickly be found by selecting a very wide assortment of keywords in the "Select Keyword" window and then tapping the "Search" window button.

Or, for an 'entire' search of the Salt Corner website, visit the Google search button located on the bottom right of every page! Simply enter your key words, then tap the blue right button and await the search to complete, which might take several seconds to complete, Enjoy, Bob (Updated 2025)

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Site Supported in Part by:
Eco Tech Marine