By Bob Goemans
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Spikeweed/Boneweed/Thicket Algae

 Actinotrichia fragilis (Unknown)

Actinotrichia fragilis
(Forssk) Borgesen, 1932

Likely Reef Tank Suitable

Likely Fish-Only Tank Suitable


These species form dense, bird nest-like growths having intricate calcified branches. The pink or red branches or segments can be tubular, flat, smooth or fuzzy and are quite hard/stiff to the touch. In fact, they are commonly called 'Crunchy Algae.' They are found in shallow waters, usually in protected lagoons. All need very bright light, and close monitoring of calcium and alkalinity levels, which should be maintained slightly above those in natural seawater, as should the pH. Colonies are quite pretty in reef aquariums, yet if mismanaged, dissipate quickly.

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Real Reef Rock