By Bob Goemans
Site Supported in Part by:
Eco Tech Marine 

The 'LIVING' Marine Aquarium Manual

Basic and Advanced Husbandry for the 'Modern' Marine Aquarium

by Bob Goemans


When publishing companies turned down my manuscript because, as they said 'printed' books are not selling, and those selling various printed books also voicing negative comments on their sales, what does one do with a manuscript containing about 300,000 words and over 1100 photos? In my opinion, already having a very successful website,, post it there for all to read for FREE!

To accomplish this 'massive' undertaking it took a very dedicated effort by my webmaster marine scientist Craig Dolphin, who without his expertise in website mechanics this would not have been possible since I know nothing about website coding/languages and therefore 'must' first thank him for the weeks of work it took to make a home on said website for this massive undertaking.

Let me also again thank some of the named individuals in this website's 'Mission' statement, as linking to some of their already contributed photos to has helped greatly to illustrate some portions of this undertaking.

My gratitude also to the companies that fly their banners on as their small yearly fee, which goes to website/webmaster expenditures, has actually kept this websites lights turned on so to speak. Then there are the many different publishing companies, e.g., Aquarium Fish International and Tropical Fish Hobbyist, that have provided a path to disseminate my writings over the past several decades, that also deserve my sincere appreciation. (And no doubt yours!)

And when this manuscripts Table of Contents was shown to numerous aquarium product companies along with my intention to post it for everyone to read for FREE on my website, those mentioned below realized this endeavor was to be a 'FIRST' in the industry and offered to help defray some of my expenditures to upload this vast work, and did so without any reservations as to what was in the body of the text or what brand products may be mentioned! They are to be commended; as such a response shows the highest level of caring for those in this hobby!

Aquarium Design (

CaribSea (

Premium Aquatics (

AquaTop Aquatic Supplies (

Aqua Logic (

Red Sea (

ESV Aquarium Products Inc. (

Then, there's my wife, who supported my effort to bring this 'vast' endeavor to fruition! Without her understanding for my passion in this hobby, I'm very sure this project and many others would have never been completed!

In fact, all of those mentioned above and more have made this massive effort possible and actually deserve the thanks of all who visit!