By Bob Goemans

What is Saltcorner?

Saltcorner is a website that is dedicated to the hobby of marine aquarium keeping and is the creation of aquarium author Bob Goemans, who has written a column of the same name for many years.

Whether you're looking for information about animals and plants/algae; for informative articles by noted aquarium authors; for product or book reviews; for photo galleries of impressive home aquariums; for information about Bob's books; or troubleshooting/advice correspondence on a wide range of topics, there's a lot of information here. And it's all free to you thanks to the generous support of our website sponsors who keep the website's lights turned on.

Use the tabs above to navigate to different parts of the website, or click on any link that catches your eye. I hope you find the site useful and informative!

Photo Gallery Spotlight

See more in Frank Rossi's
120g Plenum System photo gallery.

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Q&A Letter Spotlight

Jeff writes to Bob about:

Hi Bob, I read your column in FAMA and I have a question concerning heaters. I previously maintained a 10 gallon micro reef for about 3 years and I'm now upgrading to a 75 gallon reef with a sump and skimmer. My question pertains to heater wattage. I have numerous books and have seen recommendations as low as 2 watts per gallon and as high as 8 watts per gallon. I'd like to install 2 heaters in the sump, each running off a different surge protector. The sump will probably hold 10 - 20 gallons when running. None of the recommendations indicate if that is for total water capacity or more.

See other Letters and Answers.

Review Spotlight

Book Review of The Reef Aquarium, Science, Art, and Technology, Vol III

By J. Charles Delbeek and Julian Sprung

TITLE: The Reef Aquarium, Science, Art, and Technology Vol III AUTHORS: J. Charles Delbeek and Julian Sprung PUBLISHER: Ricordea Publishing (2006) ISBN 1-883693-14-4 PAGES: 680 PRICE: $89.95 The word 'WOW' or 'Awesome' would be an understatement when describing this third volume in the authors very successful series of works dedicated to the art of keeping reef aquariums! As in the preceding two volumes, the combined years of research and photographing numerous aspects surrounding the business and hobby come through crystal clear. It fact, it not only presents an updated view of the more.

See other Reviews.